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. 2009 Mar;9(1):19–25.

Table 3.

Sterility and decontamination statuses of barbering Instruments used by observed respondents.

*Status of Barbering Frequency Percentage
Sterility of Disposable Instrument 10 100
New/Sterile before use 0 0
Not before use 10 100
Total 10 100
Decontamination of clippers
Sterilization 8 10
Disinfection 58 72.5
No decontamination 14 17.5
Total 80 100
Name of disinfectants
Methylated spirit 22 38.0
Jik® 6 10.3
Kerosene 30 51.7
Total 58 100
Flame 4 50
Ultraviolet light 4 50
Total 8 100
Sterility of disposable instrument
New/Sterile before use 10 100
Not before use 0 0
Total 10 100

All the barbering instruments belong to the barbers