Fig. 2.
β1-Integrin–deleted tumors have reduced metastasis. (A) Average total tumor burden per animal (in cm3) for NIC β1wt/wt, NIC β1f/wt, or NIC β1f/f mice that have developed tumors. The error bars represent the SE for 19 NIC β1wt/wt, 14 NIC β1f/wt, or 17 NIC β1f/f mice. The indicated P value was calculated from a two-tailed Student t test. (B) Percentage of mice from FVB primary genotype (as indicated) that developed lung metastatic lesions. (C) Average number of metastatic lesions per lung in mice from B. The indicated P value was calculated from a two-tailed Student t test. Error bars represent SE for 11 NIC β1wt/wt, 12 NIC β1f/wt, or 17 NIC β1f/f mice. (D) Cells (0.5 million) from dissociated NIC β1wt/wt or NIC β1f/f primary tumors were injected in the tail vein of Ncr mice. (Upper) H&E-stained sections of the lungs collected 8 wk after injection. (Scale bar: 1 mm.) (Lower) Average lung area that is covered by metastatic lesions in percentage. The indicated P value was calculated from a two-tailed Student t test. Error bars represent SE for each genotype (n = 4).