Table 2.
Ten CARD9 SNPs most associated with expression as detected by probe 220162_s_at (rows 1-10) and the SNP most associated with expression detected by probe 228272_at (row 11). SNPs in bold are those genotyped in AS case control study or in LD with a typed SNP. SNPs in italics are highly associated with expression but not typed in this study. SNPs rs3812571 and rs4077515 tag the following SNPs: rs11794847, rs10781505, rs10781499, rs3812570 and rs3812571. Positions are from Ensembl Genome Browser ( (August 2009). Expression data is from the mRNA by SNP Browser 1.0.1. NS non-synonymous with amino acid change in brackets, S synonymous, US upstream, DS downstream, UTR untranslated region.