Figure 5.
Determination of the destabilization function of the PAI-1 mRNABp binding sequence of the 3′UTR of PAI-1 mRNA. (A) Structure of β-globin–PAI-1 3′UTR chimeric mRNA. The 33-nt (1,690–1,722) PAI-1 3′UTR mRNABp binding sequence and a control non–PAI-1 mRNABp binding sequence of similar size from the coding region were inserted into the 3′UTR of β-globin cDNA, after which the chimeric cDNA was subcloned into pcDNA 3.1. (B) Met5A cells transfected with the chimeric β-globin–PAI-1 3′UTR gene containing the 33 nt PAI-1 mRNABp binding (positive) or nonbinding control (negative) sequence of PAI-1 in pcDNA 3.1. Total RNA was isolated at different time intervals after treatment with DRB as described in the legend to Figure 2, and the level of chimeric mRNA was analyzed by RT-PCR using β-globin forward and PAI-1 reverse primers.