Figure 2.
Id3−/ − innate-like CD8 T cells were selected on MHC class Ia. (A) WT, H2-KbH2-Db−/ − or Id3−/ −H2-KbH2-Db−/ − thymocytes were analyzed by flow cytometry for TCRβ . The frequency of TCRβ + cells is indicated. (B) CD4 and CD8 expression on TCRβ + cells. The frequency of CD4+ or CD8+ cells among TCRβ + cells is indicated. (C) Expression of CD122, CD44 or CD24 on H2-KbH2-Db−/ − (grey) or Id3−/ − H2-KbH2-Db−/ − (black) TCRβ +CD8 thymocytes. Data are representative of >5 experiments. (D) Average number (+ standard deviation) of TCRβ +CD8+ cells in the thymus of WT, Id3−/ −, H2- KbH2-Db−/ − or Id3−/ −H2-KbH2-Db−/ −mice. n > 5 for each genotype, p-values are shown for the comparison of populations at the end of each line.