p53 targets ΔNp63 (p40 or ΔNp63α) into a protein degradation
pathway. (A) Down-regulation of the exogenous p40
protein is mediated by p53WT expression. SaOs2 cells were
coinfected with Ad-p40 (MOI = 1) and either Ad-p53WT
or Ad-p53175 (MOI = 0–2) for 14 h, and p40
expression was examined at the RNA (5 μg) and protein (20 μg) level
(from total cell lysates). Decreasing amounts of p40 were seen with
p53WT (lanes 2 and 3), but not mutant p53175
(lanes 5 and 6). (B) p53 coexpression mediates
degradation of endogenous ΔNp63α protein. 022 cells
were infected with Ad-p53WT (MOI = 1) or
Ad-p53175 (MOI = 1). ΔNp63α protein levels were
determined at 0, 4, 8, and 24 h after infection with antibody to
ΔNp63. Decreasing amounts of p40 were seen with p53WT at
8 and 24 h but not with the p53175.