Ten day old y w control (C), dprx5, tak1, relE20, kenny (key1), ird5 and dredd mutant flies and double mutants underexpressing dTak1, Relish, genes comprising IKK complex (Kenny and Ird5), Dredd caspase and dPrx5 were infected with E. coli and incubated at 25°C for 6 hours. RNA was extracted and the transcriptional levels of attacin D as a read-out gene for the Imd/Relish pathway were determined. The results are mean ± SD from three independent experiments. Statistically significant differences (P<0.05) were between y w control and the dprx5 mutant, as well as mutants of the genes comprising the IMD/Relish axis, and double mutants. There were also significant differences between dtak1 mutant and dtak1;dprx5 double mutant.