Fig. 5.
The protein kinase A (PKA) blockers, H-89 and Rp-cAMP, prevented DA induced changes in LP IA. IA was measured before and after a 10 min 10−5 M DA application and after a 30 min wash from DA. Measurements from the 1st recording served as baseline for the DA and wash comparisons. After the wash, a 10 min application of 2 × 10−5 M H89 was followed by a 10 min application of DA+H89. IA was measured at the end of each 10 min application. Measurements from the previous wash served as baseline for H89 comparisons. The change from baseline was plotted for V1/2 activation (A) and V1/2 inactivation (B). C and D: the same experiment was performed except that the concentration of DA was 5 × 10−6 μM and 10−3 M Rp-cAMP was substituted for H89. *, significant difference from baseline as determined with 1 way ANOVAs followed by a Tukey pos thoc test.