Accumulation of viral DNA in cells infected with UL97 mutant RCΔ97.08
(Δ97) and parental strain AD169. (A) DNA accumulation
curves of DNA copies per well from QC-PCR (0, 24, 48 hpi) and blot
hybridization (72, 96, 168 hpi) after infection of HFs with an moi of
1. ○, AD169; ■, RCΔ97.08. (B)
DNA blot hybridization to detect levels of viral DNA after a 96-h
PFA-induced DNA synthesis block (D) and release (R) for a subsequent
24, 48, 72, or 96 h. Total cellular DNA was digested with
BamHI and blot hybridized to detect a 2.3-kb viral
BamHI fragment.