Analysis of total and encapsidated viral DNA in AD169-, RCΔ97.08-,
and RCΔ97.19-infected cells. (A) DNA blot
hybridization showing accumulation of total and DNase-resistant viral
DNA in cells infected with mutant RCΔ97.08 (Δ97) and parental
strain (moi of 1). Total infected cell DNA was isolated before or after
DNase digestion (+DNase) at the indicated times (hpi). Viral DNA
digestion and hybridization were carried out to identify junction and
terminal EcoRI fragments (arrows) as indicated for Fig.
3. M, mock-infected. (B) Quantitative analysis of total
and DNase-resistant (+DNase) viral DNA in AD169-, RCΔ97.08-, and
RCΔ97.19- (Δ97) infected cells at the times indicated. Quantitation
was carried out with the use of blot hybridization for all samples,
except for the DNase-resistant mutant DNA, and QC-PCR was used for all
samples, yielding values similar to blots at higher DNA levels. The
mean DNA copy number values, derived from three independent
experiments, are displayed. Empty bars, total AD169 DNA; stippled bars,
DNase-resistant AD169 DNA; black bars, total RCΔ97 strains DNA;
hatched bars, DNase-resistant RCΔ97 strains DNA.