Table I.
Protein | Blood AUCa | First Mob (h) | MRTc (h) |
Db-DIII WT | 1449 | 178 | 56.7 |
Db-DIII H535A | 470 | 66 | 25 |
Db-DIII H510A | 528 | 38 | 20 |
Db-DIII H464A | 354 | 24 | 17 |
Db | 104 | 26 | 2.9 |
aAUC is the area under the curve −∫u(t)dt from 0 to infinity.
bFirst Mo is the first moment: ∫t u(t)dt/∫u(t)dt, where u(t) is the measured (%ID/g) blood curve.
cMRT is the same integral format except du/dt replaces u(t).