Figure 2. Comparison of the two binding sites between MsaFPB32 and AAA.
a) Side by side comparison of the fucose recognition by the (left) striped bass N-CRD (middle) AAA CRD and (right) striped bass C-CRD. b) Sequence alignment of binding site regions of striped bass lectin (MsaFPB32), Anguilla Anguilla Agglutinin (AAA) and other protein homologs: Streptococcus pneumoniae virulence factor spGH98, Horse-shoe crab Tachilectin-4 (tach4), Xenopus Laevis pentraxin (XLPXN-CDR5) and two Drosophila Melanogaster proteins: CG9095 and the furrower receptor.