FIG. 9.
Nox-4 delivers H2O2 directly into the nucleus of EOMA cells. Catalase (0.1 mU/cell) tagged with Qdot was microinjected to the cytoplasm [(a) catalase; (b) DCF; (c) merged image 30 s after injection; (d) catalase; (e) DCF; (f) merged image 3 min after injection) or the nucleus of an EOMA cell (g) catalase; (h) DCF; (i) merged image 30 s after injection; (j) catalase; (k) DCF; (l) merged image 3 min after injection]. Three minutes after microinjection, catalase-injected cytoplasm (e) and nucleus (k) showed lower DCF intensity (m). Results are expressed as mean ± SD. *p < 0.05; white scale bar, lower right hand corner = 30 μm. Catalase-sensitive DCF signal in the nucleus confirms that the DCF oxidation signal noted was generated by H2O2. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article at