Relative Importance of Reasons for Non-Adoption of Medications
Measure | Mean (SD) |
State regulations prohibit us from prescribing medications | 3.88 (1.99) |
Lack of physicians who can prescribe medications | 3.96 (1.83) |
Lack of nursing or other medical staff | 3.83 (1.89) |
Inconsistent with center’s treatment philosophy | 2.04 (2.18) |
Lack of evidence of clinical effectiveness | 1.20 (1.80) |
Better alternatives are available | 1.88 (2.05) |
Inadequate information at this center about the use of medications | 1.35 (1.78) |
Clinical staff resistance to use of medications | 1.34 (1.79) |
Note: Response categories for each item ranged from 0, which indicated “not at all important” to 5, which indicated “very important.”