Survival experiment after t.t. treatment of passively immunized and non-immune mice bearing pleural breast cancer MDA231-lu-P4 xenografts. Both MV-GFP (blue line) (a) and MV-GFP-infected MDC (MDC-MV, blue line) carriers (b) protected against early malignant effusion accumulation and significantly improved survival of the animals compared to the control groups (P <0.001). Heat-inactivated virus (MV-HI-co) or MDCs inoculated with inactivated MV-GFP (MDC-co) were used as controls (red line in a and b). In contrast, passive immunization with human serum HS-935 (ABS in the figure) inhibited the therapeutic effect of free virions (c). MV-GFP treatment (MV-ABS, blue line) was compared to those of heat-inactivated virus (MV-HI-co, red line) or PBS-treated immunized mice (ABS-co, green line). In contrast, two of six immunized and treated with MV-GFP-infected carriers mice (MDCs-MV-ABS, blue line) were long-term survivors with pleural effusion formation delayed by months (d)