Plot of the spatial dependence of the histogram of cooccurring pairs
for different geometrical configurations. (a) The
probability of finding a pair of iso-oriented segments as a function of
their relative position; a pair of segments at relative orientation of
22.5° (b), 45° (c), 67.5°
(d), or 90° (e).
(f) Cocircularity solution for a particular
example of two segments. The solutions to the problem of cocircularity
are two orthogonal lines, whose main have values (ψ + ϕ)/2 or
(ψ + ϕ + π)/2. For the example given, ϕ (red segment) =
20°, ψ (blue segment) = 40°, and the two solutions (green
lines) are 30° and 120° (all angles from the vertical