Figure 1.Virtual. evolution of perception and saccade with different visibility maps, eye movement models and configurations.
a. Ventral (perception) and dorsal (action) streams projecting from the primary visual cortex (V1). b. Flow chart for two models of human eye-movement search: Ideal Bayesian Searcher (IS) and the Saccadic targeting model (maximum a posteriori probability model, MAP). c. 8 alternative forced choice target search for steep visibility map. d. 8 alternative forced choice target search for broad visibility map. e. 4 alternative forced choice target search for broad visibility map. Light blue circles outline possible target locations. Location of fixations for 1st (blue) and 2nd saccades (red) for three models: IS, MAP and Entropy Limit Minimization (ELM) in white noise The MAP model simulations include small random saccade endpoint errors to facilitate visualization of the different fixations. Central cross indicates initial fixation point for all models.