Figure 2. Virtual evolution of two separate streams with the genetic algorithms for three different targets.
a. Virtual evolution of the perception (ventral stream) and saccade (dorsal stream) templates constructed from different linear combinations of twenty four different V1 simple cells which spanned the target (Gabor functions with center frequencies, 0.5, 1, 2, 4 cycles/degree for 6 different orientations, 30 degrees apart, and octave bandwidths). Probability of survival of an individual depends on search accuracy of the ideal searcher approximation (ELM model) with the two templates. b. Top row three different targets (from right to left: isotropic Gaussian, vertical elongated Gaussian and the difference of a vertical and horizontal elongated Gaussians) used in different evolution simulations for search in 1/f noise and a steep visibility map (See Figure 1c, left). All targets are luminance grey patterns but are shown in pseudo-color and scaled for each image to maximize the use of the color scale.