Representative photomicrographs illustrating the quantitative
data shown in Fig. 2. Panels show Fos-immunoreactive nuclei within the
medial prefrontal cortex (a–c) and
basolateral amygdala (e–g) determined after
the delayed cue exposure test. Slices were obtained from rats tested
under the S− (a and e),
S+ (b and f), and
S+SCH (c and g)
conditions. (a–c and
e–g, bar = 100 μm.) The locations
of the fields represented in a–c (medial
prefrontal cortex) and e–g (basolateral
amygdala) are identified by black rectangles in d and
h. The medial prefrontal cortical region sampled
includes the prelimbic cortex (Cg3) and area I of the cingulate cortex
(Cg1). The anteroposterior (AP) distance of the sections from bregma
and approximate dorsal and ventral (DV) borders of the sampled fields
are AP 3.2, DV −2.5 to −4.5 (medial prefrontal cortex) and AP −2.12,
DV −7.6 to 8.8 (basolateral amygdala; ref. 19).