Significantly populated clusters and their fractional contact plots for (a) I-29–164, (b) spinophilin417–494 and (c) DARPP-321–118. Fractional contact plots represent the fractional formation of contacts between pairs of residues, with a contact being defined as any two heavy atoms being within 10 Å of each other. The upper halves of the contact plots show contacts present in the clusters while the lower halves show contacts present in PP1-bound I-2 and spinophilin. White represents regions not present in the PP1-bound structures, either as no electron density was detected or because different construct lengths were used in the studies. Structures are colored as follows: I-2 – residues 6–58 red, 59–111 green, 112–164 blue; spinophilin – residues 417–442 red, 443–468 green, 469–494 blue; DARPP-32 – residues 1–39 red, 40–78 green, 79–118 blue. See also Table S1.