Figure 7.
Fate of In utero grafted 5-HT3A:GFP+ cells from the CGE at E14.5. (A) Schematic drawing illustrating the in utero grafting technique. (B) Histogram (percentage ± SEM) indicating the laminar distribution of 5-HT3A:GFP+ grafted cells (n = 235 cells obtained from 7 grafted animals) in the somatosensory cortex. Cortical strips (500 μm width) were longitudinally subdivided into 10 equal bins from the marginal zone (MZ) to the lower part of the layer VI (LLVI). (C,D) E14 5-HT3A:GFP+ CGE-derived cells give rise to numerous interneurons located in the supragranular layers of the cerebral cortex. Note that the section shown in panel (C) was taken from an animal that received 5-HT3A:GFP+ cells that were sorted by flow cytometry. (E) Section showing 5-HT3A:GFP+ cells located in the supragranular layers of the cortex and displaying bipolar or double bouquet morphologies. Cortical layers are indicated. (F) Section showing multipolar 5-HT3A:GFP+ grafted cells located in cortical layer I displaying complex morphologies. (G–O) Neocortical grafted cells labeled for CR (G–I; red), VIP (J–L; red) or NPY (M–O; red) in the supragranular layers II–III. (P) Histogram showing the percentage of grafted cells that express different interneuronal markers in the somatosensory cortex. Throughout the cortex, the most commonly expressed markers were CR, VIP and NPY. Scale bar: (C–D): 700 μm; (E): 80 μm; (F–O) 100 μm.