Figure 4.
Group data showing bicuculline-induced maximal increases in rostral ventral lateral medulla (RVLM) neuronal activity in postexercise hypotension (PEH) and sham groups. The maximal bicuculline-induced increase in RVLM neuronal firing activity (closed bars) over the baseline firing activity (open bars) is significantly greater in neurons in the PEH group compared to the sham group. Resting unit activity is significantly lower in PEH compared to sham. Maximal unit activity is not significantly different between the two groups. [Adapted from Kajekar R. Chen C-Y, Mutoh T, Bonham AC. GABAA receptor activation at medullary sympathetic neurons contributes to postexercise hypotension. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2002; 282:H1615–H1624. Copyright © 2002 the American Physiological Society. Used with permission.]