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. 2010 Aug 23;5:73. doi: 10.1186/1748-717X-5-73

Table 1.

Patient characteristics and ME status

Patients ME positive
Characteristic No (%) % P value

Age (y) NS
 ≤60 39 (51.3) 87.2
 >60 37 (48.7) 73.0
Sex NS
 Male 60 (78.9) 78.3
 Female 16 (21.1) 87.5
Status of Hepatitis
 HBsAg positive 62 (81.6) 85.5 NS
 HCVAb positive 3 (3.9) 33.3
 Others 11 (14.5) 63.6
AFP level (ng/ml) <0.01
 Normal 43 (56.6) 69.8
 Elevated 33 (43.4) 93.9
Tumor size (cm) NS
 ≤5 41 (53.9) 78.0
 >5 35 (46.1) 82.9
TNM stage NS
 I 42 (55.3) 83.3
 II 34 (44.7) 76.5
Platelets (G/L) NS
 <100 11 (14.5) 81.8
 ≥100 65 (85.5) 80.0
AST level (U/L) NS
 ≤40 54 (71.1) 85.2
 >40 22 (28.9) 68.2
ALT level (U/L) NS
 ≤40 49 (71.1) 81.6
 >40 27 (28.9) 77.8
GGT level (U/L) NS
 ≤55 43 (56.6) 81.4
 >55 33 (43.4) 78.8
Albumin level(g/L) NS
 ≤35 8 (10.5) 75.0
 >35 68 (89.5) 80.9
BIL (μmol/L) NS
 ≤17.1 59 (77.6) 78.0
 >17.1 17 (22.4) 88.2
PT(s) NS
 ≤13.3 55 (72.4) 83.6
 >13.3 21 (27.6) 71.4
Tumor grade <0.01
 1 6 (7.9) 16.7
 2 43 (56.6) 79.1
 3 27 (35.5) 96.3
All patients 76 (100) 80.3 --

Abbreviations: HBsAg = hepatitis B surface antigen; HCV Ab = hepatitis C virus antibody; AFP = serum α-fetoprotein; AST = serum aspartate aminotransferase level; ALT = serum alanine aminotransferase level; GGT = serum γ-glutamyltransferase; BIL = serum total bilirubin level; PT = prothrombin time; NS = not significant.