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. 2010 Oct;100(10):1953–1960. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2009.174169


Demographic Characteristics of Participants (N = 67 359), by Sexual Orientation Identity and Gender: Massachusetts Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey Respondents, 2001–2008

Gay or Lesbian
No. (%) No. (%) No. (%) No. (%) No. (%) No. (%) No. (%) No. (%) No. (%)
Total 65 088 (100) 25 387 (100) 39 701 (100) 1645 (100) 926 (100) 719 (100) 626 (100) 194 (100) 432 (100)
Age, y
    18–33 14 511 (33.1) 5698 (33.7) 8813 (32.5) 277 (29.7) 141 (29.2) 136 (30.4) 259 (59.5) 46 (48.6) 213 (65.1)
    34–49 26 736 (39.8) 10 395 (39.5) 16 341 (40.2) 832 (49.3) 474 (49.7) 358 (48.8) 232 (29.5) 81 (35.3) 151 (26.5)
    50–64 23 841 (27.1) 9294 (26.8) 14 547 (27.3) 536 (21.0) 311 (21.1) 225 (20.9) 135 (11.0) 67 (16.2) 68 (8.4)
    White, non-Hispanic 52 439 (82.3) 20 836 (81.4) 31 603 (83.2) 1423 (84.2) 805 (82.1) 618 (87.2) 469 (77.2) 139 (74.0) 330 (78.9)
    Black, non-Hispanic 3422 (4.2) 1248 (4.3) 2174 (4.1) 77 (4.7) 42 (4.8) 35 (4.5) 40 (4.9) 13 (5.3) 27 (4.7)
    Hispanic 6687 (8.9) 2125 (8.8) 4562 (8.9) 103 (7.6) 57 (9.0) 46 (5.7) 75 (10.9) 28 (14.1) 47 (9.3)
    Asian 1486 (3.2) 753 (3.8) 733 (2.6) 19 (2.3) 14 (3.2) 5 (1.2) 21 (5.0) 7 (3.6) 14 (5.7)
    American Indian and othera 1054 (1.4) 425 (1.6) 629 (1.2) 23 (1.2) 8 (1.0) 15 (1.5) 21 (2.0) 7 (3.0) 14 (1.6)
Relationship status
    Married 34 869 (59.2) 14 413 (59.5) 20 456 (59.0) 309 (19.1) 130 (14.4) 179 (25.8) 148 (23.6) 43 (24.7) 105 (23.0)
    Formerly married 13 660 (12.1) 4049 (9.7) 9611 (14.5) 193 (8.2) 94 (7.6) 99 (9.1) 149 (15.7) 55 (20.7) 94 (13.1)
    Never married 13 958 (23.8) 5916 (26.0) 8042 (21.6) 743 (42.4) 513 (51.1) 230 (29.9) 241 (44.5) 85 (48.2) 156 (42.6)
    Coupled 2601 (4.9) 1009 (4.9) 1592 (4.9) 400 (30.3) 189 (27.0) 211 (35.1) 88 (16.2) 11 (6.4) 77 (21.3)
Child in household
    Yes 28 938 (48.3) 10 218 (46.0) 18 720 (50.5) 248 (18.7) 70 (12.2) 178 (27.9) 211 (34.5) 32 (28.3) 179 (37.7)
    No 36 150 (51.7) 15 169 (54.1) 20 981 (49.5) 1397 (81.3) 856 (87.8) 541 (72.1) 415 (65.5) 162 (71.7) 253 (62.3)
    ≤ High school/GED 21 206 (30.7) 8567 (32.6) 12 639 (28.9) 284 (21.0) 162 (22.9) 122 (18.3) 188 (29.6) 62 (33.6) 126 (27.5)
    1–3 y college 15 540 (24.4) 5473 (22.9) 10 066 (26.0) 368 (22.9) 214 (24.8) 154 (20.1) 145 (25.0) 48 (27.5) 97 (23.7)
    ≥ 4 y college 28 342 (44.9) 11 346 (44.6) 16 996 (45.1) 993 (56.1) 550 (52.3) 443 (61.6) 293 (45.4) 84 (38.8) 209 (48.8)
Employment status
    Employed 47 483 (74.8) 20 079 (81.1) 27 404 (68.6) 1281 (78.3) 726 (78.3) 555 (78.4) 383 (59.6) 120 (65.8) 263 (56.3)
    Unemployed 8836 (10.3) 3199 (9.6) 5637 (10.9) 239 (12.6) 129 (13.2) 110 (11.9) 141 (20.5) 51 (20.6) 90 (20.5)
    Not in workforce 8769 (15.0) 2109 (9.2) 6660 (20.5) 125 (9.1) 71 (8.6) 54 (9.8) 102 (19.9) 23 (13.6) 79 (23.2)
Percentage poverty
    < 300% 24 266 (35.3) 8204 (33.1) 16 061 (37.5) 452 (28.0) 236 (27.2) 217 (29.0) 329 (51.8) 96 (49.9) 233 (52.8)
    ≥ 300% 40 822 (64.7) 17 183 (66.9) 23 640 (62.6) 1193 (72.0) 690 (72.8) 502 (71.0) 297 (48.2) 98 (50.1) 199 (47.2)

Note. GED = general equivalency diploma. Percentages do not always equal 100 because of rounding. Numbers are unweighted counts; percentages are weighted proportions.


Alaska and Hawaii Natives and Pacific Islanders.