Figure 2.
Electron density of (a) glcNAcβ1-3galNAc and (b) glcNAcβ1-2mannose bound to NagHCBM32-2. Sugars are shown in cyan stick representation. Blue mesh represents the maximum-likelihood44/σa-weighted52 2Fobs-Fcalc electron density maps contoured at 1σ (0.41 electrons/Å3 for glcNAcβ1-3galNAc and 0.31 electrons/Å3 for glcNAcβ1-2mannose). Green mesh represents the maximum-likelihood/σa-weighted Fobs-Fcalc electron density maps obtained from refinements with the sugar atoms omitted and contoured at 3σ (0.25 electrons/Å3 for glcNAcβ1-3galNAc and 0.18 electrons/Å3 for glcNAcβ1-2mannose). For simplicity, only the sugars bound to monomer A (of four monomers) in the asymmetric unit are shown. Images are shown in divergent stereo.