Myosin function is necessary for targeting of exogenous dendritic transmembrane proteins. (a–c) In a cortical neuron expressing coexpressing HA-mCherry (a), GluR1-GFP (b) localized specifically to the somatodendritic region. (c) Camera lucida drawing Axon, black; somatodendritic region, gray. (d–f) In contrast, when expressed with a dominant negative variant of Myosin Va (HA-dnMVa) (d), GluR1-GFP (e) localized nonspecifically. (f) Camera lucida drawing. (g) The axon-to-dendrite ratios (ADRs; see Online Methods) of GluR1-GFP, Kv4.2-MYC and EAAT3-HA expressed with tagged dnMVa were at least fourfold higher than when each was expressed with either HA-mCherry or GFP: ADRGluR1,dnMVa = 0.97 ± 0.17; ADRGluR1,mCherry = 0.16 ± 0.02; ADRKV4.2,dnMVa = 0.86 ± 0.19; ADRKv4.2,HA-mCherry = 0.17 ± 0.03; ADREAAT3-HA,dnMVa = 1.27 ± 0.17; ADREAAT3-HA,HA-mCherry = 0.30 ± 0.05. Conversely, the ADR of GluR1-GFP was not significantly different when it is expressed with HA-dnMVb (ADRGluR1,dnMVb = 0.25 ± 0.03) from the ADR when it was expressed with HA-mCherry. Error bars, s.e.m.; arrow, axon; arrowheads, axon initial segment. Insets: staining for Ankyrin G, used to identify the axon. Scale bars, 10 μm. *P < 0.0002; NS, P > 0.08 (Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney).