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. 2010 Aug 25;92(4):864–871. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.2010.29675


Maternal characteristics for the total population and by category of total folate concentration at <16 wk gestation

Maternal serum total folate
Total population Bottom tertile Middle tertile Upper tertile Term birth Preterm birth
Maternal race [n (%)]
 Non-Hispanic white 138 (44) 28 (27) 43 (41) 67 (64)1 125 (46) 13 (33)
 Non-Hispanic black 175 (56) 76 (73) 62 (59) 37 (36) 148 (54) 27 (67)
Maternal age [n (%)]
 <20 y 39 (12) 10 (10) 13 (12) 16 (15) 32 (12) 7 (18)
 20–29 y 227 (73) 80 (77) 74 (70) 73 (70) 203 (74) 24 (60)
 ≥30 y 47 (15) 14 (13) 18 (17) 15 (15) 38 (14) 9 (22)
Parity [n (%)]2
 0 45 (14) 10 (10) 11 (10) 24 (23)1 40 (15) 5 (13)
 1 139 (45) 38 (38) 53 (51) 48 (46) 123 (45) 16 (40)
 ≥2 126 (41) 53 (52) 41 (39) 32 (31) 107 (40) 19 (48)
Smoking status 3 mo before pregnancy [n (%)]
 Nonsmoker 138 (44) 37 (36) 44 (42) 57 (55)3 117 (43) 21 (53)
 Smoker 175 (56) 67 (64) 61 (58) 47 (45) 156 (57) 19 (47)
Maternal education [n (%)]
 Less than high school 71 (23) 28 (27) 28 (27) 15 (14)1 65 (24) 6 (15)
 High school or equivalent 211 (67) 71 (68) 70 (67) 70 (67) 181 (66) 30 (75)
 Greater than high school 31 (10) 5 (5) 7 (6) 19 (18) 27 (10) 4 (10)
Marital status [n (%)]
 Unmarried 265 (85) 92 (88) 93 (88) 80 (77)3 231 (85) 34 (85)
 Married 48 (15) 12 (12) 12 (12) 24 (23) 42 (15) 6 (15)
Employment status [n (%)]
 Unemployed 156 (50) 54 (52) 55 (52) 47 (45) 135 (49) 135 (49)
 Employed part time 71 (23) 24 (23) 22 (21) 25 (24) 65 (24) 65 (24)
 Employed full time 86 (27) 26 (25) 28 (27) 32 (31) 73 (27) 73 (27)
Family's yearly income [n (%)]4
 <$10,000 129 (42) 49 (48) 45 (44) 35 (34) 114 (42) 15 (38)
 $10,000 to <$25,000 112 (36) 38 (37) 38 (37) 36 (35) 96 (36) 16 (41)
 ≥$25,000 66 (22) 15 (14) 20 (19) 31 (31) 58 (22) 8 (21)
Prepregnancy BMI [n (%)]
 <25.0 kg/m2 121 (38) 42 (40) 36 (34) 43 (41) 104 (38) 17 (42)
 25.0–29.9 kg/m2 83 (27) 20 (20) 31 (30) 32 (31) 72 (26) 11 (28)
 ≥30.0 kg/m2 109 (35) 42 (40) 38 (36) 29 (28) 97 (36) 12 (30)

P < 0.01 (Pearson's chi-square test).


n = 3 with missing data on parity.


P < 0.05 (Pearson's chi-square test).


n = 6 with missing data on income.