Digestion of the PCR-amplified 16S-23S rRNA gene IGS of Corynebacterium species using the restriction endonuclease CfoI. Lanes 1 to 22: C. freneyi CCUG 45704T, animal strain M3, C. amycolatum CCUG 35685T, C. hansenii CCUG 53252T, C. xerosis CCUG 56051T, and animal strains St36404, St33874, St34960, St36130, St38671, St85640, St53041, St51377/1, St53244, St51902, St51463, St51377/2, St51377/3, St46963, St49327, St47126, and St49485, respectively. Lanes M, molecular weight markers (100-bp ladder).