Immunogens and immunization schedule. (A) Left, seven immunization groups (A to G) with four guinea pigs each were used. The immunogen(s) in each group is indicated, as is the amount of DNA or recombinant protein used during immunization. Total DNA, total amount of DNA used per animal per immunization session. The total amount was split equally between the four constructs used to inoculate group E animals. Total protein, total amount of recombinant gp140 Env used per animal per immunization. The total amount was split equally between the four constructs used to inoculate group E animals. Protein was emulsified in an equal volume of Ribi adjuvant. Right, blue native PAGE of purified gp140 trimers (5 μg). Lanes: 1, WT SF162 trimer; 2, ΔV1SF162 trimer; 3, SF162/89.6 V1 trimer; 4, SF162/HxB2 V1 trimer; 5, SF162/JRFL V1 trimer; 6, SF162/YU2 V1 trimer. (B) Immunization schedule. Animals received two or three DNA immunizations with vectors expressing gp140 at 4-week intervals, followed by two immunizations with the corresponding recombinant gp140 proteins, spaced 11 weeks apart. Groups A to E received two DNA immunizations, whereas groups F and G received three DNA immunizations. Bleeds were collected throughout the immunization schedule, at the indicated times (weeks).