Namea | Sequence | MHC | Rankb |
A4793-101 | TMMINPFMI | H-2Db | |
A47138-146 | AAFEFINSL | H-2Kb | |
A47171-179 (MVA-029C)c | YAHINALEY | H-2Db | 2 |
A47171-180 | YAHINALEYI | H-2Db | 1 |
A47171-181 | YAHINALEYII | H-2Db | 4 |
A47172-180 | AHINALEYI | H-2Db | 5 |
A47172-181 | AHINALEYII | H-2Db | 3 |
A47169-179 | LLYAHINALEY | H-2Db | 6 |
Numbers in subscripts represent the amino acid positions in A47 from VACV WR (or VACVWR-173).
Rank in H-2Db binding predictions of peptides tested using A47 (aa 168 to 187).
Name of peptide used in Mathew et al. (20). That paper based its amino acid positions for peptides on the sequence of A47 in MVA; those positions differ from the positions for VACV WR as used here.