FIG. 1.
Analysis of random integration of HC-Ad vector DNA into chromosomal DNA in vivo. (A) Map of HC-AdSLS16 vector expressing the murine FAH cDNA from the RSV promoter. ITR, Ad5 inverted terminal repeat; Ψ, Ad5 packaging signal; stuffer DNA, 16-kb stuffer from human HPRT genomic DNA (nt 1799 to 17853 of human HPRT gene); RSV, RSV promoter; mFAH cDNA, murine FAH cDNA; stuffer DNA, 9-kb c346 stuffer (nt 12421 to 21484 of cosmid c346). The HC-AdSLS16 vector was used to analyze random integration events. (B and C) Representative photomicrographs of liver sections stained with hematoxylin-eosin. FAH expression is detected with a polyclonal rabbit antibody to rat FAH.