Definitions of variables used for estimating mutation rates
Symbol(s) | Definition |
μs/n/c | Mutation rate as substitutions per nucleotide per cell infectiona |
μs/n/r | Mutation rate as substitutions per nucleotide per strand copyinga |
f, fs | Observed mutation frequency and observed mutation frequency for substitutions only, respectivelya |
T, Ts | Total no. of mutations observable with a given detection method (mutational target size); subscript s is used to refer to substitutions onlya |
L | Length (in nucleotides) of the genetic region studied |
c | No. of cell infection cycles |
B | No. of viral progeny particles released per infected cell (burst size, or viral yield) |
N0 | No. of viral particles that start an infection (inoculum size) |
N1 | No. of viral particles after growth |
a | Exponential growth rate |
W | Relative fitness as determined from growth rates and/or burst sizes |
s | Fitness effect of a mutation, defined as 1 − W |
E(sv) | Average s value of single random nucleotide substitutions, excluding lethal ones |
pL | Probability that a single random nucleotide substitution is lethal |
α | Selection correction factor |
P0 | Fraction of cultures showing no mutants in the Luria-Delbrück fluctuation test (null class) |
m | Mutation rate to a given phenotype per strand copying obtained from the Luria-Delbrück fluctuation testa |
r, rc | No. of cycles of copying and no. of cycles of copying per cell infection, respectively |
δ | Ratio of indels to total mutations (indel fraction) |
A subscript i is used analogously to refer to indels.