RacGAP50C and Polo kinase co-localize during early cytokinesis. Third instar larval brain cells were imaged at the plane of the spindle poles for Polo kinase (A, E, and I), RacGAP (B, F, and J), and DNA (C, G, and K). Merged images (D, H, and L) show Polo kinase in green, RacGAP in red, and DNA in blue. A–D, a metaphase cell showing Polo kinase localized to the spindle poles (arrows) and to DNA at the metaphase plate (arrowhead), whereas RacGAP is diffusely cytoplasmic. E–H, an anaphase cell, showing Polo kinase and RacGAP localized to the contractile ring (arrowheads), whereas Polo kinase is also present at the poles. I–L, a telophase cell showing localization of both Polo kinase and RacGAP to the contracted central spindle (arrowheads), whereas Polo kinase is also at the poles (arrows). Scale bar, 5 μm (L).