Urea-induced activation of the β1 integrin subunit in the perfused rat liver. Rat livers were perfused as described under “Experimental Procedures,” and liver samples were taken immediately before (t = 0 min) and 1 min after the addition of either urea (100 mmol/liter; A), thiourea, or dimethylthiourea (10 mmol/liter each; B). As indicated, the integrin-antagonistic peptide GRGDSP (10 mmol/liter) was added 30 min prior to infusion of urea. Immunoreactivity of the activated β1 integrin subunit or the α5β1 integrin heterodimer were assessed by confocal laser scanning microscopy of frozen liver sections of the respective liver samples. Like hypo-osmolarity, urea, thiourea, and dimethylthiourea also induced within 1 min an increased immunoreactivity of the activated β1 integrin conformation suggestive for an activation of the integrin system (right panel). In contrast to hypo-osmolarity, urea-induced activation of the integrin system was insensitive toward the integrin-antagonistic GRGDSP peptide. Immunoreactivity of the total α5β1 integrin heterodimer (left panel) remained unchanged under these conditions.