Lhcb1 mRNA accumulation in photobleached pOCA107–2 (WT),
gun, cch, cs, and
ch42 mutants. (A) cs is
not a gun mutant. Wild-type and mutant plants were
photobleached for 6 days as described in Materials and
Methods, and Lhcb1 mRNA levels were determined
as described in Fig. 1B. (B)
ch42 is not a gun mutant. Seedlings were
grown on Murashige–Skoog media for 3 days. After 3 days, albino
ch42 homozygotes, wild-type, and gun
mutant seedlings were transferred to media containing Nf and grown for
4 days under strong continuous light. Lhcb1 mRNA levels
were determined as described in Materials and Methods.