Inflorescence grafting experiment. ysl1ysl3 double mutant scions (inflorescences) grafted onto wild-type stocks are labeled as ysl1ysl3+WT. WT+WT indicates wild-type plants that were self-grafted as positive controls. ysl1ysl3 double mutant was used as a negative control, since it was not possible to generate self-grafted ysl1ysl3 plants. Error bars represent sd. Asterisks indicate P < 0.05 by t test. A, Average seed number per silique. Each silique on the grafted inflorescences was opened, and the seed number was counted. WT+WT and ysl1ysl3 samples contain four replicates, and ysl1ysl3+WT sample contains six replicates. B, Average weight of an individual seed produced by the grafted inflorescences. WT+WT and ysl1ysl3 samples contain four replicates, and ysl1ysl3+WT sample contains six replicates. C, The percentage of seeds germinating on soil was determined. Four replicate batches of 100 of each seed type were used in the analysis. Germination was defined as emergence of the radicle and was scored every 24 h after plating.