Figure 4.
MspJI digestion on genomic DNAs. M, pBR322 MspI digest; lane 1, Hela genomic DNA; lane 2, Hela gDNA+MspJI; lane 3, Hela gDNA+MspJI+activator;4, Arabidopsis gDNA; lane 5, Arabidopsis gDNA+MspJI; lane 6, Arabidopsis gDNA+MspJI+activator; lane 7, yeast gDNA; lane 8, yeast gDNA+MspJI; lane 9, yeast gDNA+MspJI+activator. All digestion reactions contain 1.5 µg of genomic DNA, 1.5 µg of MspJI in 30 µl volume. When indicated, a final concentration of 0.8 µM of DNA activator was supplemented to stimulate MspJI digestion. All reactions were incubated overnight at 37°C.