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. 2010 Jul 27;103(5):685–692. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6605820

Table 4. Genes differentially expressed between high and low CD8+ TIL tumours that are associated with DSS in a large cohort of 157 advanced-stage serous ovarian carcinomas.

Gene symbol Description T Parametric P-value lymphoc. Parametric P-value survival HR Fold change high/low CD8+ TIL
ENDOG Endonuclease G −3.58818 0.000469 0.007736 0.657 1.057368
APOL6 Apolipoprotein L 6 −3.51777 0.000588 0.016474 0.784 1.061243
LOC144817 Hypothetical protein loc144817 −3.4572 0.000725 0.007082 0.751 1.054609
TNFRSF11B Tumour necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 11b (osteoprotegerin) −3.2365 0.001533 0.029561 0.778 1.076219
CCL5 Chemokine (c-c motif) ligand 5 −3.05761 0.002678 0.008189 0.78 1.06113
SMARCD3 SWI/SNF-related, matrix-associated, actin-dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily d, member 3 −2.89433 0.004415 0.012281 0.715 1.044497
HLA-DQB2 Major histocompatibility complex, class II, DQ β 1 −2.62341 0.009683 0.025419 0.718 1.036787
P2RY2 Purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled, 2 −2.58765 0.010682 0.04794 0.622 1.062139
HTATIP2 HIV-1 tat interactive protein 2, 30kda −2.50033 0.013646 0.023893 0.749 1.04496
ITGB4 Integrin, β 4 −2.4564 0.015268 0.02019 0.788 1.042571
BRSK1 BR serine/threonine kinase 1 −2.4344 0.016188 0.001032 0.634 1.043443
CD74 CD74 antigen (invariant polypeptide of major histocompatibility complex, class II antigen-associated) −2.39153 0.018114 0.048429 0.798 1.0387
IRF1 Interferon regulatory factor 1 −2.38234 0.018578 0.018766 0.731 1.039269
CARD9 Caspase recruitment domain family, member 9 −2.34654 0.020354 0.012632 0.733 1.053982
GBP5 Guanylate binding protein 5 −2.29852 0.023022 0.026438 0.789 1.053155
OR4K1 Olfactory receptor, family 4, subfamily k, member 1 −2.25082 0.025956 0.027515 0.535 1.043061
IDH3A Isocitrate dehydrogenase 3 (nad+) α −2.19777 0.029762 0.004543 0.539 1.042238
RARRES3 Retinoic acid receptor responder (tazarotene induced) 3 −2.17032 0.031671 0.027127 1.26 1.039329
GUCY2F Guanylate cyclase 2f, retinal −2.09159 0.038394 0.030464 0.683 1.064628
C1orf151 Chromosome 1 open reading frame 151 −2.08091 0.039363 0.000145 0.582 1.037702
PUM2 Pumilio homologue 2 (drosophila) −2.04334 0.042905 0.037206 1.617 1.026572
SUSD3 Sushi domain containing 3 −2.04205 0.043025 0.0087 0.791 1.041484
GRM3 Glutamate receptor, metabotropic 3 −2.02279 0.045086 0.007333 0.602 1.037417
RP9 Retinitis pigmentosa 9 (autosomal dominant) 1.979686 0.049732 0.02947 0.506 0.970948
TPM2 Tropomyosin 2 (β) 2.01335 0.046075 0.002014 1.459 0.968061
CREB3L4 cAMP responsive element binding protein 3-like 4 2.024371 0.044851 0.024523 1.448 0.969375
ADFP Adipose differentiation-related protein 2.028392 0.044437 0.004516 1.279 0.954856
ZIC1 Zic family member 1 (odd-paired homologue, drosophila) 2.034892 0.043757 0.024456 1.214 0.941812
TCF4 Transcription factor 4 2.038027 0.043448 0.041311 1.317 0.965471
RKHD1 Ring finger and KH domain containing 1 2.054802 0.041812 0.026765 0.6 0.971522
AKAP12 A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein (gravin) 12 2.05607 0.041754 0.020387 1.448 0.965955
CENPF Centromere protein f, 350/400 ka (mitosin) 2.079257 0.039457 0.017257 1.28 0.955777
TF Transferrin 2.085059 0.039044 0.019715 1.302 0.95165
MARCKS Myristoylated alanine-rich protein kinase c substrate 2.085433 0.038849 0.01913 1.361 0.967259
FBN3 Fibrillin 3 2.08694 0.038733 0.008793 1.266 0.942574
TSPAN13 Tetraspanin 13 2.102597 0.037447 0.00351 1.465 0.962836
C1orf85 Chromosome 1 open reading frame 85 2.149681 0.033301 0.009093 1.684 0.969927
NT5C2 5′-nucleotidase, cytosolic II 2.151955 0.033136 0.042652 0.735 0.959484
DAD1 Defender against cell death 1 2.163076 0.032559 0.039308 1.509 0.971288
COL11A1 Collagen, type xi, α 1 2.180716 0.03094 0.008437 1.149 0.926402
GLT25D1 Glycosyltransferase 25 domain containing 1 2.183846 0.030707 0.011982 1.464 0.966298
GMFB Glia maturation factor, β 2.381146 0.018725 0.011898 1.432 0.962138
SNRPE Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide e 2.38174 0.018656 0.012262 1.462 0.983812
ZNF281 Zinc-finger protein 281 2.473985 0.014571 0.023546 1.587 0.957854
FABP4 Fatty acid binding protein 4, adipocyte 2.485825 0.014192 0.025061 1.11 0.908835
SAE2 SUMO1 activating enzyme subunit 2 2.489129 0.014051 0.018709 1.535 0.965225
BASP1 Brain abundant, membrane attached signal protein 1 2.533806 0.012459 0.032678 1.235 0.94384
ARMCX3 Armadillo repeat containing, x-linked 3 2.563703 0.011458 0.006661 1.562 0.94847
CPVL Carboxypeptidase, vitellogenic-like 2.690174 0.008038 0.048239 1.295 0.957396
FMOD Fibromodulin 2.76574 0.006462 0.012624 1.289 0.945678
C3orf59 Chromosome 3 open reading frame 59 2.822682 0.005501 0.022204 1.433 0.950026
PXDN Peroxidasin homologue (drosophila) 2.920898 0.004082 0.049685 0.746 0.94662
MEST Mesoderm specific transcript homologue (mouse) 3.590373 0.000463 0.002053 1.328 0.940516
HMGA2 High mobility group at-hook 2 3.770553 0.00024 0.031783 1.128 0.886346

Abbreviations: DSS=disease-specific survival; TIL=tumour-infiltrating lymphocyte; HR=hazard ratio.