Figure 1. Response to playback of repetitive ultrasound pulses to singing tettigoniids.
(A) Average verse duration of T. cantans males with and without repetitive ultrasound stimulation (25 ms and 50 ms pulse repetition period). Numbers in A represent the number of verses in each group. A significant difference (p<0.05) of stimulated verse durations from natural verse durations is indicated by *. B) Response of T. viridissima males to ultrasound stimulation in the form of song pausing (white bars) and the lack of such a response (black bars). 28°C: N = 131 (50 ms), N = 115 (25 ms); 21°C: N = 40 (50 ms), N = 38 (25 ms). All data was obtained from 8 T. cantans and 7 T. viridissima males. p<0.05 is indicated by *, p<0.001 is indicated by **; Upper and lower box limits in A represent 25 and 75 percentile and whiskers 10 and 90 percentile. Outliers are indicated by circles.