Figure 3a. The predicted probabilities of SVR and HDLc by gender from model 2
Predicted probabilities were calculated adjusting for other parameters in the model for an individual with the follow characteristics: an AA, Ishak fibrosis score of 2, took 80% of the prescribed PEG-IFN during 24 weeks of therapy, and a mean baseline viral level (6.3 log10 IU/mL), natural log of TG (4.7 mg/dL), and LDLc (116.2 mg/dL).
Figure 3b. Predicted probabilities of SVR and HDLc by gender from model 3
Predicted probabilities were calculated adjusting for other parameters in the model for an individual with the follow characteristics: an AA, Ishak fibrosis score of 2, took 80% of the prescribed PEG-IFN during 24 weeks of therapy, and a mean baseline viral level (6.3 log10 IU/mL) and on treatment change in LDLc from pretreatment (− 6.8 mg/dL).