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. 2010 Jun 2;116(9):1498–1505. doi: 10.1182/blood-2009-11-251074

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Elevated Aurka and Aurkb are hallmarks of Myc-driven lymphoma. (A) Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of Aurka and Aurkb expression in 10 Eμ-Myc lymphomas versus splenic wild-type (wt) B220+ B cells. Levels of mRNA were normalized to the expression of Ubiquitin (Ub). (B) Immunoblot analysis of the indicated proteins in wild-type (wt) control splenic B220+ B cells vs Eμ-Myc lymphomas. (C) Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of Myc, Aurka, and Aurkb mRNA expression in 6 human BL samples compared with CD19+ control B cells. Levels of mRNA were normalized to the expression of Ubiquitin (Ub). (D) Immunohistochemical analysis of Aurka and Aurkb expression in BL, MCL, and control tissue (tonsils). Top panel: Representative samples at low- (original magnification ×200) and high-power (original magnification ×630) views. Image acquisition: Zeiss Axioplan 2 microscope; 63×/0.95 numeric aperture (NA) Plan-Neofluar air objective (high-power views), 20×/0.5 NA Plan-Neofluar air objective (low-power views); Zeiss Axiocam MRc 5 camera; Axiovision Rel 4.6 scanning software. Bottom panels: Percentage of cells that stain positive for Aurka and Aurkb. A grid ocular objective was used to count 400 cells over 3 high-power fields (original magnification ×40). Bars represent the mean percentage of positive cells from 5 BL and 5 MCL samples ± SD. *Significant difference (P < .001).