Figure 6.
Mean behavioral fundamental (F0 DL) and first formant (F1 DL) frequency difference limens as a function of reverberation. F0 and F1 DLs were obtained separately by manipulating a vowel token’s pitch or first formant, respectively. (A) Musicians show superior ability at detecting changes in voice pitch obtaining F0 DLs approximately 4 times smaller than non-musicians. For both groups however, reverberation has little effect on F0 DLs indicating that it does not inhibit voice pitch discrimination. (B) Musicians detect changes in voice quality related to vowel’s first formant frequency better than non-musicians. However, in contrast to pitch, F1 DLs for both groups become poorer with increasing levels of reverberation suggesting that formant frequency discrimination is more difficult in challenging listening conditions. Error bars indicate ±1 SE.