Types of disagreement in drusen identification by SD-OCT and CFP. Left column: CFPs for representative examples of disagreement, each with an outline indicating location of the corresponding B-scan. Middle column: the SD-OCT B-scan for each sample, with brackets identifying the region of disagreement. Right column: the same fundus photo with either the SD-OCT map (F, I) or composite CFP drusen map (C, L, O) in black, superimposed with color markings representing all areas of the specified disagreement type (see Table 3): (A–C) type IA, undermarking of drusen borders by CFP; (D–F) type IB, undermarking of drusen borders by SD-OCT; (G–I) type II, hypopigmentation with appearance of drusen without a corresponding OCT finding; (J–L) type III, pigmentary migration with obscuration of underlying drusen; and (M–O) type IV, OCT deflection without corresponding CFP pigmentary change. (Not pictured: type IC, nonspecific disagreement at drusen borders.)