Figure 7.
Involvement of the Notch pathway, cbt and ash2 in wing imaginal disc regeneration. Wound healing (WH) and mitosis (M) in blastemas of Notch pathway, cbt and ash2 mutants. (A) Regenerating imaginal discs from wild-type (wt); NI1N-ts2; Df(E(spl))/+; cbtEP(2)2237E1/+; and ash2I1/+. Staining of mitosis (green) and nuclei (red). Scale bar = 100 μm. Upper panels show 24-hour regenerating discs; lower panels, 48-hour regenerating discs. Arrowheads point to the wound vertex. (B) Percentage of discs with correct wound closure (black) and absence of closure (white). (C) Number of M-Phase cells in the blastema region at 24 and 48 hours. Asterisk indicates differences between wt and mutants discs (P value < 0.005).