Figure 7. AMPH-induced NET downregulation is partially blocked in HTR-hNET-T258A and HTR-hNET-S259A cells.
HTR-hNET, HTR-hNET-T258A and HTR-hNET-S259A stable cells were treated with vehicle or 10 μM AMPH for 60 min at 37°C and used for biotinylation assays as described under Materials and Methods section. Equal aliquots from total (T) and avidin unbound fractions (UB) and entire eluates from avidin beads representing bound fractions (B) were loaded on to gels and the blots were probed with NET monoclonal antibody. Representative blots shows two species of NET-specific bands at ~85 kDa and ~48 kDa. The amount of biotinylated NET was quantified using NIH image, and the densities of ~85 kDa band from three separate experiments are presented as mean ± S.E.M. Bar graph shows biotinylated NET band densities as % of vehicle. * and # indicate significant changes in cell surface NET following AMPH treatment compared to respective vehicle treatment (*, p < 0.01; #, p ≤ 0.05; by Student’s t-test).