Figure 1.
Time course of responses to the multiple-choice question “Who were you with when the beep occurred?” from 6 AM to 12 PM in 112 participants during periods of cocaine use or abstinence. Abstinence/use was a time-varying predictor; thus, 34 of the 112 participants contributed data to both the “abstinence” line and the “use” line, and this number is reflected in the denominator degrees of freedom, though all 112 participants were included in the analyses (see Methods section for details). For cocaine abstinence, the median number of data points per symbol is 496 (range 24 to 789; all values over 100 from 8:00 am through 9:00 pm); for cocaine use, the median number of data points per symbol is 1,058 (range 63 to 1,579; all values over 100 from 7:00 am onward). F values, p values, and odds ratios (ORs) are from SAS Proc Glimmix; ORs greater than 1.0 reflect concomitants of cocaine use. Red indicates concomitants of cocaine use; blue indicates concomitants of abstinence; purple indicates interactions between cocaine-use status and time of day. *Significant difference between use and abstinence at this time point in Bonferroni-corrected post hoc F tests (“slice” option in SAS Proc Glimmix).