Segregation distortion increases the frequency of MAF2 insertion alleles in the progeny ratio. (A) Segregation distortion observed in BC5 F2 populations segregating for various MAF2 insertion alleles and MAF2–Ler. MAF2 insertion allele homozygotes are dark shaded bars, plants heterozygous for a MAF2 insertion allele and MAF2–Ler are light shaded bars, and MAF2–Ler homozygotes are shown as open bars. (B) Segregation distortion of MAF2 and FLC alleles observed in the BC4 F2 progeny of MAF2–UWO in Ler × FLC-Col in Ler. MAF2–UWO homozygotes are dark shaded bars, MAF2–Ler homozygotes are shown are open bars, and heterozygous plants are light shaded bars. FLC–Ler homozygotes are dark shaded bars, FLC-Col homozygotes are open shaded bars, and heterozygous plants are light shaded bars.