Figure 4.—
Or67d–GAL4 truncation constructs. (A) Scheme of Or67d reporter constructs. Black lines indicate regulatory DNA and green arrows indicate the GAL4 coding region and vector sequences. (B) Expression of Or67d–GAL4 truncation constructs. Antennae and maxillary palps were dissected from male flies of various ages for Or67d−136, and at 7–8 days for all other constructs. Flies were heterozygous for both the indicated Or67d–GAL4 construct and the UAS–GFP reporter. Images are Z-projections of cuticle-level confocal sections or of entire antennae (top and middle rows, respectively) and confocal Z-projections of maxillary palps (bottom row). GFP-labeled ORNs lie primarily in a band across the midregion of the antenna (most evident in the top row). All Or67d–GAL4 truncation constructs with at least 236 bp of upstream DNA exhibited nonneuronal GFP expression in the antenna (most evident in middle row). Numbers after the construct names identify the specific transgenic line shown. Abbreviations: P, proximal; Do, dorsal; M, medial; L, lateral; Di, distal; V, ventral.