Figure 9.—
Mutation of sequences near −472 of Or88a. (A) Constructs. Mutated bases are in lowercase type and shaded. Dots indicate deleted base pairs. Red letters denote a novel GCAAT sequence in Or88a−486M1 created by mutating GCAATTA at –472. The mutated subregions of Or88a−486 are indicated below the sequence (M1, M2, M3). (B–G) Z-projected interior confocal sections of 0- to 1-day male antennae heterozygous for both the UAS–GFP reporter and the indicated Or88a–GAL4 construct. (H–M) Z-projections of 0- to 1-day male antennal lobes heterozygous for both the indicated Or88a–GAL4 construct and the UAS–GFP reporter. Antennal lobes are immunostained with anti-GFP (green) and nc82 (magenta). (N) Mean numbers of GFP-labeled sensilla (±SEM; 5 ≤ n ≤ 11). (O) The putative repressor element GCAATTA upstream of Or88a, and similar sequence elements upstream of other trichoid Or genes. In each case the element lies within or very near a region with negative regulatory function. Occurrences of these elements are aligned and shown in blue type. For A and O, positions are relative to the predicted translation start sites of the indicated genes. Abbreviations: d, days post-eclosion; P, proximal; Do, dorsal; M, medial; L, lateral; Di, distal; V, ventral.