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. 2010 Jul 19;28(26):4074–4080. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2010.27.9752

Table 2.

Comparison of WINS46 and WHEL47 Trials: Designs, Interventions, and Findings

Parameter WINS
Mean SD Mean SD
    Stage I-III A I-III A
    Time from surgery, months ≤ 12 ≤ 48
    Chemotherapy AC, CMF, FAC, or AC → paclitaxel Any (before randomization)
    Hormone therapy Tamoxifen Any
    Receptor status Any Any
    Age, years 48-79 18-70
    Weight/body mass index Any Any
    Diet at baseline ≥ 20% calories from fat Any
Dietary intervention
    Intervention phase Eight individual dietitian visits over 16 weeks 18 telephone calls over 12 months, four cooking classes (average attended)
    Maintenance phase Individual dietitian visits every 3 months Telephone calls every 3 months
        No. of patients 2,437 3,088
            Random assignment type 3:2 1:1
Intervention target
    Fat ↓ to 15% calories from fat ↓ to < 20% calories from fat
    Calories No target
    Vegetable ↑ (no target) ↑ to 5 serving/day and 16 oz vegetable juice/day
    Fruit ↑ (no target) Increase to three servings/day
    Body weight NA NA
    Physical activity NA NA
Follow-up interval, years 5 7.3
End point Relapse-free survival Breast cancer event-free survival
Self monitoring Daily keeping score book No
Dietary assessment Two 24-hour unannounced telephone calls/year Four prescheduled 24-hour telephone calls at 1, 4, and 6 years
End point events, No. 277 518
Primary breast cancer outcome HR, 0.76; 95% CI, 0.60 to 0.98; P = .034 HR, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.80 to 1.14; P = .63
% energy from fat
    Baseline 29.6 7.1 28.5 0.18
    1 year 20.3 7.8 22.7 0.20
    4 year 22.6 8.5 27.1 0.24
    6 year 23.0 9.2 28.9 0.25
Body weight, kg
    Baseline 72.7 15.9 73.5 0.42
    1 year 70.6 15.2 73.0 0.45
    4 year 71.2 14.9 74.2 0.51
    6 year 69.4 13.9 74.1 0.54
Fiber g/day
    Baseline 18.4 4.1 21.1 0.21
    1 year 19.5 4.7 29.0 0.28
Vegetable servings/day
    Baseline Not reported 3.9 0.06
    1 year 7.8 0.09
Fruit servings/day
    Baseline Not reported 3.5 0.05
    1 year 4.2 0.06

Abbreviations: WINS, Women's Intervention Nutrition Study; WHEL, Women's Healthy Eating and Living Study; SD, standard deviation; AC, doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide; CMF, cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and fluorouracil; FAC, fluorouracil, doxorubicin, and cyclophosphamide; NA, not available; HR, hazard ratio.

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